Of course I hear many hate and class warfare up against the rich, and the U. Azines. That's pretty pathetic if anyone ask me, everyone blames other people. Some wealthy people are annoyed that pay high taxes and everyone participates within the free gifts they had to spend. Meanwhile, the poor say it does not take fault of the rich who will be poor. What about responsibility for your actions?
Not long ago, I was discussing this by having an acquaintance who stated; "One caveat I would place this line of thought is which i think if we were being governed through the higher percentage of thinkers, these individuals had power and control and stay thinkers care is taken with all the masses. Believe it's by generational income and power or deception or maybe government assistance and support wealthy unworthy, or simply for the device that have allowed lawyers to produce, percent top running things are a very small percentage of the thinkers intelligent and a lot of leverage deceptive cheaters. "
Okay, but answer me this; could be the different percentage than any additional segment of humanity? I would say that after you meet people on the road, a third of them are trying to puzzle out how to use to get something for themselves, the less intelligent they are most obvious is you are playing for your own deal. Third would befriend you soon you discovered they could get something from you or maybe a benefit to fuck you more than, and lie about it later. Third would do nothing to be able to hurt you, and probably want to do something for you if you saw that they had a need and was not out of his way, or help with anything if you ask very well. See the time, so I really do not see it as rich or poor I notice as a human problem - humans - at the root of all human problems without them, humans would have no problem - just wouldn't exist and anyone hear his or her squeiling because his tree fell within the forest.
My ratings by acquaintances; "I think the ideal, our system will continue to create this American dream, and I really would if we stop ruining things for government management from the economy. Guess The American Dream on this view are thinkers of each generation come and make our own country charge. thinkers be thinkers who will be smart enough to know that any of us support the masses and live a wonderful life. room by cheaters can be scary and dangerous. ".