A domain name implies a unique identification string sequence that signifies authority - administrative and otherwise, on the internet. Domain names are required to be construed according to the rules and rules defined by the Domain Name System (DNS). After domain name is registered via registrars that are accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), it is available to the party who has registered it for functioning with web space. Other than ICANN, a technical administrative organization also operates a registry. Domain name registration should be based on consideration of certain factors that can help in its promotion online.

Follow the steps give below if you want to have a good domain name for your website
  • Keyword rich domain name - Make sure you choose a keyword rich domain name for registration. This would help you in optimizing your site for search engines. With higher rankings on relevant keywords on search engines, you could drive sales. With the help of the Google Keyword Tool, you can find out more about the potential domain names to consider for registration. The tool has a keyword ideas application which suggests the ideal ones based on your suggestions. If you want to set up a blog, this tool is helpful in picking out keywords to be included in your blog posts. Your keyword rankings can definitely improve by using the phrases suggested by the Keyword Tool.

  • Acronyms - Make use of certain popular acronyms for getting more ideas about possible domain names.

  • Meaning - If possible choose that domain which signifies a meaning. If it can describe the overall goal for which you have started your website, this would be even better.

  • Register in your name - You need to register your domain in your name. You may think that it is obvious but there have been cases when people easily make a mistake in getting this done right.

  • Use the WHOIS Lookup - Using the WHOIS Lookup feature, you can find out the registrant of a particular domain name. The contact information of the registrar can be used for getting in touch with the company.
If you follow the tips given here for domain name registration, it would make sure that you make the most of your website. Whether you want to run your website for business or personal purpose, you would always want it optimized for becoming popular. These tips can be considered sure shot ways of achieving this.


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